Wednesday, August 01, 2007


One thing in life that is inevitable is change but it is such an irony that everybody in this whole wide world fears change.

We may learn so many phrases like

Change is a way of life OR

The only permanent thing is change.

But at the end of the day it is always difficult to accept one. I was wondering why is that?

And believe me I did not get an answer. So I began drawing my own conclusions to it. I began thinking on my own process of how to make a change that benefits.

For this we need to ponder over the thought that why would someone change. The only reason for this should be rational benefit in mind. With this age of information explosion and varied media examples of situations; people get swayed by the extra bit (always extra bit) of banter going on around them. It is always fancy to read in a book or maybe see in a movie that something has changed because it should have.

But alas this is where the whole complexity of the mind lies. With a complicated thought process; a process that is different and unique to each and every individual everybody draws conclusion and acts accordingly. The biggest drawback of this is that there is not a single person in this world who can decide whether the conclusions drawn by the person are correct or not. Noone can rule over the rationality of a decision. And that is where the whole spiral of depression and fear of unknown starts. The person who makes a decision always finds himself into ready criticism and the fear of whether the decision taken will actually be correct chases the person.

Now what is important is how one reacts on this. There are people who sticks to there decision and are not ready to budge that they may be wrong. And then there are people who think a lot and try in to improvise on there initial decisions.

But there is a definite sub categorization depending on the time taken for the thought process in both the cases. To start with I appreciate the people who stick to there decision but then here there is a thin line between being stubborn and taking a thought after decision. When the time spend on the thought process is less and the whole thing is not well thought of I call it a stubborn decision where the person just knows to take a decision and the consequences are never thought of. Such kind of people are to somepoint whimsical and dangerous. A well thought after decision on the other hand always take into consideration all the gains and losses one is going to make. In the first case person hypothisize these gains and losses while in the second case he actually thinks about them.

Before I go about people I like lets talk about the second category of people who think and improvise. Here too there are two sub categories; one the people who listen to everyone and improvise and the other the people who listen but not indefinitely and improvise what needs to be.

If someone asks me the kind of person I like than it is a gentle mix. It’s a mix of the person who thinks before making a decision and considers practical gains and losses. Here if a decision is made than it has to be followed passionately but then once in a while there should be an open mind to accept new views.

I believe that the one taking a decision; making a change has a huge responsibility and such an action can’t be done without careful thoughts about the rationality in the gains and losses. It has to consider the impact on everybody around including the one taking the decision.

But alas this is not what happens. I admire the professional world for this. We go down with proposals to do work; we work and once in a while we make mistakes. And then we accept these mistakes and change.

But in personal life that is where the complexity of mind lies. The hardest thing for anyone and everyone in this world is to tell him that he is wrong. Even hardest is the acceptance of being wrong.

This is where the aging helps. As you grow old the fierce nature of the person subdues and you become more inclusive; more understanding.

I don’t know how much it makes sense but I do know that change needs to be handled everywhere from personal to professional domain. It needs to be handles artfully rather. And it has to be done on a base. It is seldom and in grave circumstances that one should change from scratch. Else everyone should build upon the existing stuff, consolidating the present and changing for future.

I feel it should always be “Change for future”

Do not change for the heck of it. Do not change because someone told “Change is inevitable”.


smriti mittal said...

itna senti sa post kyu? wo bhi.....kisi ke birthday pe? [;)]

Anonymous said...

People should read this.