Monday, October 10, 2005

EarlyMorning Musings

hi again

just wondering how many times do u really feel the importance of a person in your life. Or for that matter how many times do you feel that u need a person to bridge all that you couldn't do ; to listen all that you can't say ................

someday i dream of a person ................ who can understand everything by looking my face ............. give me a patient hearing ................... give me sweet rebukes ............... give me that consolation ............ give me that support .............

finally i understand its asking too much from somebody ............ your life has to be handled only by u ...... nobody on this earth can ever handle it for u .............. but does this make the role of a friend redundant ..... no absolutely not ............

friends are thr to pick u when u fall while trying to do what is right ............. while they can't work for you they can give that cushion of comfort that somebody is thr at ur back ........... somebody u can look up to ..... but again friends are difficult to find .............

And when at all you find a certain insecurity arises ............. especially with friends of opposite sex ...... but being with a person of opposite sex and seeing a relationship mature is one of the most beautiful things in life ............. it is interesting, mysterious, adventurous and wat not ..........

Insecurity in losing luv makes us mistakenly lose the friend in them but the insecurity of losing a friend makes us fall in love with them !!

The worst part of life is missing a friend ...... But d best part of life is having a friend worth missing !!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi sir,
seems that you're finding the absence of such a person very disturbing... Every bit is as true as it can be....the only glitch is we xpect more from ppl then what we invest in a relationship, and trust comes from sacrifice---- I think I'm sounding like Agony here I shut up.

Sanjeev said...

i dont' know why..... but your words and writings always tend to give shape to my long enduring doubts... once again u crystallize one of my vision pertaining to the subtle differences between ardent friendship shared between the same and opposite sexes.... Keep goin SirJee......