Thursday, December 20, 2007


I never thought reading would be so difficult. When was the last that I took a book to seriously read with a purpose, ummmmmm , I really don’t remember, maybe the last majors. That is like 1.5 years back.

Oops ! it ain’t that long.

But it does feel like ages that I actually read (Leave aside the number of novels that I read in the meantime).

But it felt good, it gives you back that nostalgic student student types feeling. I really like it. Like that I am utilizing my time in something better. Something better than just loitering around surfing the internet, listening to songs, seeing movies and doing just everything one can imagine.

It really is a big diversion from your life that seemed so fucked up at times. Well it is and that is why it is called life. This thought makes me think if it is me alone who is like this. Ummmm, I think everyone’s life is fucked up, its just the reasons that vary from individual to individual. But it is these very fucked up situations that instigate people to strive more, strive for something better. It is this very stagnated fucked up feeling that motivates (or demotivates) people. But this single feeling does drives people. And that is the beauty of being fucked up :-)

I hope this drives me too and helps me to study !

But anyways believe me anytime, doing anything without a meaning is the most awesome thing in the whole wide world. All the problem arises when you do a thing for a reason. It gets boring because it becomes a job ;-)

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